Assess the Public Officials’ Information and Cyber Security Readiness
The objectives of this survey were to obtain services of a consultancy firm to (a) conduct a national survey to assess the public officers’ readiness on information and cyber security, and (b) develop a national strategy to enhance the public officers’ overall readiness on information and cyber security.
Client: ICTA Sri Lanka
Start Date: October 2019
Completion Date: January 2020
As the first step, the consultant developed a suitable theoretical framework to identify the core competencies required by public staff (at different levels) in different organizations with related to cyber security readiness. Accordingly, consultant recommended a list of variables for which data were collected, and the logical connection with the survey objectives by separating in to five major aspects. Based on the theoretical framework, the consultant developed the research instrument to assess the level of competencies of public officers. The consultant proposed a suitable sampling methodology for the survey and justified the appropriateness of the sample. The sample adequately represented entire public sector across the country including all the types and levels of public sector employees. The consultant team conducted quantitative and qualitative data analyses. The report contained descriptive statistics of all variables of the survey, cross tables, and graphs, as well as qualitative presentations. Selected variables presented by graphs and/or correlation measures, on thematic maps. A critical review of the methodology, realization, and results gave, together with recommendations for improvement. Based on the analysis assess the readiness of government employees on information and cyber security including recommendations on increasing awareness, education and training of public officers based on their work role. These recommendations proposed based on the baseline report which was generated based on the site visit data and the findings during the survey. Based on findings, the consultant developed a strategy to increase the public officers’ overall readiness on information