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Coaching and Mentoring Support for the selected MSMEs in Central Province

The purpose of this assignment is to provide timely mentoring and coaching support to manage and run their enterprise successfully. The consultant firms are expected to assist, coach and mentor the selected SMEs in 2 districts in Central province whom have received Business Investment Grant from the EU funded ENTERPRISE project which focuses on improving the business development skills of women and youth who face high barriers to business start-ups, growth and business expansion particularly. It is required that the consultancy firm, should cover the entire province and contain required manpower to provide the service to minimum 100 MSMEs in one province assigning two full time individuals.

Overall Objective: To contribute to improved socio-economic wellbeing of rural and estate communities in Central Province.

Specific objective: To support the development of an enabling and empowering business environment for establishing and sustaining income-generating and employment opportunities for vulnerable women, youth and their communities in Central Provinces.

Client: Chrysalis
Start Date: February 2020
Completion Date: January 2021

The consultant team provide business coaching and mentoring support to the selected SMEs under the guidance of two lead consultants and mentors. There are two mentors selected for each district to provide support to the businesses. They will provide business review sessions and to conduct regular coaching and mentorship sessions with MSMEs in the form of site visits and virtual support to build their business management skills.  At the end of each month firm will submit mentoring report to the client. The purpose of mentorship report assessing the progress of each business highlighting business successes and/or challenges. The report will highlight areas requiring further support and raise recommendations.

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336/1, 3rd Lane, Ekamuthu Mawatha, Thalangama North, Koswatte, Sri Lanka.
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