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Develop an Adoption Action Plan and arrange for trainings and develop awareness raising material for

The objective of the Digital Forms Solution ( is to enable citizens to submit required digital forms to the Government agencies remotely and efficiently, which became much needed during the pandemic as well as in the current crisis where mobility is restricted due to high prices and scarcity of fuel. Similarly, the government officials will also be empowered to dynamically create, update, and publish various forms at scale based on highly dynamic needs, while boosting operational efficiency, eliminating papers, getting rid of massive physical storage, and achieving sustainable growth. The solution aims to gradually reduce the use of paper-based forms and in-person travel of citizens to the Government organisations to obtain services.

Client: Information and Communication Technology Agency Sri Lanka
Start Date: September 2022
Completion Date: December 2022

In this assignment, the consultant team had to develop a 3-year Adoption Action Plan to increase awareness and adoption of Digital Forms solution. The Plan will be implemented by ICTA. This is to ensure the digital forms solution will be adopted by citizen and government staff and achieve the indicators specified by the client. As well as the consultant team planned for the training sessions, arrange logistics and equipment, and enhance training material for government officials and ICTA staff on the Digital Forms Solutions ( Technical trainers for the sessions will be arranged by ICTA. Prepared awareness raising material for citizens. Developed a completion report, including a video showcasing the pilot.

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