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Capacity building for producers’ groups, SMEs, and public sector (REDA)

The project aims to enhance institutional capacities of producer groups in the Central Province through targeted training for REDA officers. This comprehensive program includes group facilitation, interview skills, sampling strategy, and data analysis. By equipping REDA officers with these skills, they can effectively support SMEs and producer groups. The consultant team will coordinate with the client, develop training modules, and conduct interactive sessions to achieve the project's objectives. Theoretical and practical sessions will be held separately to ensure mastery of the subject matter.

    • Lanka Evangelical Alliance Development Services (LEADS)
    • July 20, 2021

The project objective is to improve producer groups’ skills and knowledge to build institutional capacities through REDA officers. The project is targeting the Central Province.  Moreover, in accordance with REDA, a group of 20 officers among their staff will be receiving specific training on Group facilitation, interview skills, Sampling strategy to improve representativeness, Qualitative and quantitative data analysis, Synthesis and presentation of findings data analysis as part of a comprehensive package that will allow them to positively affect the communities’ groups with their action.  Through the project it is expects to build the capacities of REDA Officers to further support for the SMEs and producer groups.


Coordinate with the client as well as the team of consultants to achieve overall objective of the project. Preparation of comprehensive training modules on Group facilitation, interview skills, Sampling strategy to improve representativeness, Qualitative and quantitative data analysis, Synthesis and presentation of findings data analysis. Submit training plan to cover above subject areas to achieve expected main objective. Conduct interactive training on below subjects for selected REDA Officers to acquire knowledge and skills require to be master trainers. Theoretical and practical sessions will conduct separately by the consultant team.



336/1, 3rd Lane, Ekamuthu Mawatha, Thalangama North, Koswatte, Sri Lanka.
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Monday to Friday 09:00 to 18:30 and Saturday we work until 15:30
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Trivet Technologies is a full-service digital marketing agency and a management consultancy organization.